A lot of people are saying that stylus are unnecessary. However, you are able to find it being sold almost everywhere and people are buying it. Isn't it weird?
Not for those who need it for their job. Some occupations requires one to write on the tablet and not all tablet comes with a stylus especially iPads. You will need to get a separate stylus on your own and getting a good and reliable clearly not an easy task.
First, you will need to determine how much you want to spend on one. A stylus price range between RM5 to RM400 or more. That's pretty huge difference for something as simple as a stylus. But problem is, a lot of people spend the amount in between the minimal and the maximum and most ended up disappointed with the quality.
Then, you might need to look at the designs, the features, the brands? Some might say a good stylus will comes with a lot of features such as pen, laser pointer, bluetooth and so on. But do you really need those? Come on, if you need to write on a paper, why get a stylus with pen? You can easily get a pen everywhere. Laser pointer? A stylus with laser pointer would means batteries inside the stylus and extra batteries means weight. No wonder you hate the weight of your stylus. Bluetooth? The only thing i find useful with bluetooth is a handsfree to be use while driving and a lot of people rather not using it. And you want it on your stylus? Please pardon me but I can't really stop laughing.
I mean, you getting a stylus means you need to write on your tablet digitally. That's all and all you need is a good one that respond to your writing.
The Hand Stylus received more support (7500+ backers) than any of the other three dozen stylus projects featured on kickstarted, the crowdsource funding website.
Features Rich Stylus
The Handstylus is a masterfully crafted, pen-like stylus featuring a 4mm tip - the world's smallest conductive-silicone rubber tip. The slim tip provides super precision, is retractible and rotates as it retracts so it wears more evenly. The extra tip can also be purchased and it comes with a pack of 6.
Just like a pen, the hand stylus tip is retractible to ensure the tip is always clean when not in use
The Handstylus comes in an array of colours. Black, however, is our all time favourite colour which fit into all occasions. It's packaging are made from recycled or recyclable materials. And yes, what you see is what you get. There is also an optional extra tips packaged in handy canisters that cost at RM17 per 6 pieces canister.
The Hand Stylus is perfect for writing, drawing, taking signatures or playing games on the tablets. It also works with smart phones for clicking tiny internet links, selecting small text, and typing on diminutive keyboards. The Hand Stylus is also great with gloves, if you have long fingernails or if you like screens free of fingerprints.
Some of the sample photos.
written on the iPad Mini with IMOS OPC Series Screen Protector applied
written on a piece of paper using a normal ball pen
As you can see, there aren't much difference on the quality of the writing using the Hand Stylus. Due to the pen-like design and small tip, you write like a normal pen. Let's check out another writing using a regular 5mm rubber tip stylus.
written on the iPad Mini using a normal 5mm rubber tip stylus
Using the same writing speed, you notice that there are huge difference in the writing. The Hand Stylus clearly shows what it can do better than a regular 5mm rubber tip stylus. As mentioned earlier, the reason you wanted to use a stylus is to make sure the writing experience is the same as using a normal pen and the Hand Stylus are able to provides such quality.
For more reviews on the Hand Stylus, kindly click Hand Stylus Reviews.
Connect2U are currently the only distributor / reseller of Hand Stylus in Malaysia. For those who are interested to become our dealer, kindly drop us an email at cc@connect2u.my.
For those who are interested to purchase, you can visit our e-store Connect2U.my